Atletico Madrid’s Diego Simeone on Joao Felix – ‘If you don’t understand where you are, it’s hard to coexist’

Atletico Madrid manager Diego Simeone has declared that on loan Barcelona forward Joao Felix was not a success in the Spanish capital as he did not gel with the character of Los Colchoneros and their people.

Felix hit good patches of form at the Metropolitano, but by last season, it had become clear that his relations with Simeone had broken down. Now at Barcelona he has authored his worst start ever in front of goal in La Liga, but in general has been positive about his time there.

Speaking to Cadena SER, Diego Simeone explained that Felix’s statements speak to the fact he never quite understood the Atletico mentality.

“They are personal opinions or personal gestures. The question is more for the one who did it. What is clear is that the people at Atletico don’t like it, because we have another idiosyncrasy. When you don’t understand the idiosyncrasies of where you are, it is very difficult to coexist together. It’s like if I want to live like people live in Argentina, I have to live like they live in Spain.”

Nevertheless, Simeone was keen to see Felix do well.

“Every good thing that happens to him is extraordinary for us, because if he stays at Barcelona we have an important income, and if he returns we have three more years waiting for him here, benefitting from what he was able improve elsewhere.”

While Simeone stopped short of saying Felix did not try his best at Atletico, he did say that the Portuguese presses better at Barcelona than he did in Maadrid.

“He couldn’t, he gave what he could have given us. Now we see him doing well, with a more reactive intention to the loss of the ball. If he has to play close to the area it is good for him, it is difficult for him further back, and it will be difficult for him in Barcelona and where he plays. Anything good that happens to him we have to be happy because it will be good for the club.”

Specifically on Felix’s preference for attacking football, or at least his perception that Atletico do not play it, Simeone saw no issues with what he said.

“Several of the things he said seem totally correct to me. Barcelona is Barcelona, ​​they play to attack, he  feels happy and you have to play where you feel happy.”