Casillas hails Isco after 500th game

Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas preferred to single out “Spain’s next most important player” Isco after he made his 500th appearance in La Liga.

The veteran custodian reached half a century in the League for Los Blancos during Sunday’s 2-0 victory over Elche, but despite his understandable gratitude at having achieved such a feat, he was quick to switch the onus onto the young midfielder for his performance against the Valencians.

“I’m thankful [to have reached 500th appearances for Madrid],” he said after the match.

“At Madrid, it’s feasible to get these kind of records. At another club, it would have been harder. I hope I make more [records].

“[Raul Gonzalez’s] another legendary Real Madrid player, whose numbers were outrageous. You can never plan [to reach] a particular number, I’ll achieve it slowly.

“[Isco] is Spain’s next most important player, but he has to stay focused because flattery can weaken you.

“At the moment, I’m 34 years old. I’ve been through a lot in the football world, luckily all good.”